Coaching in front of our peers accelerates growth

Observing different coaches expands possibilities


Wondering how you are doing as a coach


Practice, observation and feedback expand awareness

The Coaching Practicum is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY THE BEST way to rapidly increase your coaching skill and insight.
And one of the fastest ways to improve your coaching confidence!

Transform Your Mindset

From: Coaching in public and being critiqued is intimidating


To: Coaching in public is a generous act that benefits the entire community; a FUN way to hone my skills AND feedback is the “breakfast of champions” on the path to mastery.


The Coaching Practicum is a unique opportunity to coach, be coached and observe coaching under the guidance of an ICF certified coach.


An amazing 5-hour Intensive!


Two Options: Participant or Observer


Participant: In the practicum each of the 5 participating coaches conduct 1 session as the coach, 1 as the player and 3 as an observer.


Observer: The Observing coaches observe all 5 sessions and contribute to debrief.

After each session the ICF Certified Coach will facilitate a debrief  where you can share your observations and listen to what others heard.  This is a powerful experience where you learn from different coaching styles and how to handle different player situations.

The ICF Certified Coach will hone in on specific coaching skills that were done well AND point out opportunities for growth and improvement.  Written feedback of the session is provided to the participating coaches.

The coaching sessions are LIVE and in the moment – you never know what will happen.  It’s actually pretty exciting to be a part of it.
Some sessions are great. Some are good. Some are not so good.  Together we all learn from every session, no matter what happens.


ICF Accredited!

For ICF purposes, the Coaching Practicum counts for the following:

Observers: 5 ICF CCEUs

Participants: 4 ICF CCEUs + 1 Mentor Coaching hour