CoachVille BIG Dream

Great Coaching Will Transform Our World

You clicked on a button called BIG Dream!

We love you even more now!

Since coaching starts with great questions…
Let’s dive into the CoachVille Who, Why, How and What…
(We had so much fun putting this together for you)

CoachVille Tribe

Who should become a great coach?

Who should join CoachVille? …

CV Tribe - A Dream And A Team


You have a DREAM to do something BIG in the world… to be a game changer.
Your dream may take the form of a business, a career, a vision, a quest or a cause!

You need a TEAM to make it happen…
Your team… your customers, employees, advocates, partners, colleagues, community, friends and family.
Truly anyone shares your dream is on your team.

They need a COACH to guide them to create the results you all desire…
Coaching a team toward a shared purpose is one of the true joys of life!

It’s YOU!

Read more about our tribe…

CoachVille Manifesto

Our BIG Why – Our shared purpose.

A BIG reason we hope you will join us.

CV Manifesto - Great Coaching Will Transform Our World

Great coaching touches us profoundly because it appeals to our fundamental desire to make a meaningful contribution to the lives of our fellow humans.

Great coaching will transform our organizations.
Because people hate to be managed but they love to be coached.

Great coaching will transform our relationships.
Because our experience of life occurs mostly in our relationships with others, anyone can improve their quality of life by learning how to coach and be coached.

Great coaching will transform our lives.
Because with a coach by our side we see possibilities more clearly, we step boldly into the risks required to play big, we take creative actions, we learn from the inevitable setbacks and we become the person we always dreamed we could be.

Read the whole manifesto…

CoachVille Method

How do we do the amazing things we do?
How have we done it since the year 2000 when we were the first membership site for coaches?

CV Method - Life Changing Conversations

There are 5 core elements to the CoachVille Method:

Coaching occurs in life-changing conversations. The kind of conversations that make you feel alive.
We create our content by having conversations with our members and collecting the wisdom of the community.

We believe that Human spirit of play is one of the most profound – and mostly untapped – forces for good in the universe!
Our membership site and every program we offer is a game where you earn points for engaging in fun and challenging activities and sharing your awareness and results with others.

We love BIG ideas! We love creating them; we love sharing them.
We love to shake up the status quo – sometimes we full on SMASH it.

Read more about the CoachVille Method…

CoachVille Awesome

What do we do in the world?

We create awesome life-changing experiences…

CV Awesome - Community - Classes - Coaching - Contribution

Community: Coaching IS a movement first; an approach to leadership and life second and a profession third. Our public website and our membership site are a virtual gathering place for people who coach. We have over 35,000 members from over 80 countries.

Classes: OK, we just need to say it: Our classes are awesome! They really are. So what happens is that our participants actually go out in the world and DO what they are learning in class.

Coaching: When you start coaching really, really well, you have a profound realization: you can have a positive influence in the lives of other people. We create a lot of opportunities for people to coach each other which means that everyone at CV is also a player!

Contribution: With all of our members and class participants doing so much awesome coaching for so many people it is almost hard to imagine the scope of this contribution to the world.

Read more about what we do in the world…